Saturday, June 13, 2009

Arcade, Aurcade, and more links

I've already covered my Jet Set Radio obsession, and touched on my obsession with Escape from New York, so now I have to talk about the other things I yell about to strangers: arcades and Hackers.

I went to Flipper McCoys in VA Beach on Friday, nothing short of amazing. My only complaints are that the games aren't all in perfect condition, in fact some will steal yer money, and the cost is much higher than University Pinball. UP is still my favorite place to just play games for the fun of it, while CTF is definitely the best place to hang around and play games with the best on earth. Flipper McCoys really excels at games many arcades don't have: skeeball, pinball, real old school style western light gun shooting gallery, pool, air hockey, and even an FMV game. I think every arcade should have pinball but unfortunately most do not. Go Karts Plus, which is far nearer to my house, doesn't have a single pinball machine or fighting game cabinet. Everything is either a light gun shooter, or hands-on racing game. I think CTF got the right idea when it comes to building video game customers, by having so many competitive games, but could improve by having some pins. A lot of space is wasted there by inoperative or seldom-used machines that hang out in the back past the DDRs.

Anyways this brings me to my point, you should visit to find an arcade near you. Founded by a Hampton Roads native, so I've got to support it. I've been editing lots of arcade info trying to help the community or whatever whatever and you should too.

On Hackers, the movie is the best of the 90s. The set design was so amazing I still wish Cyberdelia were a real place, so I could go there and hang out. Unfortunately it isn't. And there is no pay phone in Chinatown with a pagoda on top. Just off the strength, I highly recommend anyone who bothers reading this shit site to visit Robert Pepperell's page. He was responsible for some of the Cyberdelia set, the robots to be exact: Robots, Cyborgs, and Androids. While you're at it, check out Dianne Harris's site. She worked on Hackers as well as other films, creating some of the dopest photos and robot shit I've seen.

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